
The Benefits of Employee Engagement Plans in the Workplace

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Recent research on approximately 600 mid-size businesses across the USA has found that 63% of organizations have a harder time retaining employees than they do when initially employing them. Having to contend with more than a third of their workforce looking for new work can be a massive challenge for any business owner. The answer to this problem is simple: implementing an effective employee engagement program. Every business owner dreams of having a team of hard-working, dedicated, and engaged employees. Creating and implementing an engagement program requires considerable effort. The effort will undoubtedly pay off, as engaged employees are an asset to any organization. Let’s look at some of the benefits of a sound employee engagement plan.

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Engaged Employees are More Productive

One of the main goals of any business, regardless of its industry, is to boost its profitability.  Increasing organizational productivity is essential to achieve this. Unfortunately, there are countless factors that can have a negative impact on a worker’s productivity, including physical and mental health concerns and general demotivation. Although this can be done with the help of technology, the main focus should be on the workforce.  Employees that are highly engaged are typically more efficient and produce work that is of a much higher standard than their non-engaged colleagues. In fact, a recent study by Gallup found that engaged employees are up to 21% more productive in a team setting. This increased productivity directly results from the employees being personally invested in their work. The employees are aligned with the business’s overall goals while also being completely invested in and responsible for their contribution. Engaged employees love what they do and believe their work serves its purpose. These employees tend to work swifter, harder, and with increased vehemence.  


The Risk of Burnout Decreases

Stress can be brought on by several things, including medical issues, legal concerns, and work-related pressure, which can eventually lead to employee burnout. According to the WHO, employee burnout is defined as an ‘occupational phenomenon’ that is caused by persistent and untreated work-related stress. When employees reach burnout, unfortunately, far-reaching consequences can be expected. Symptoms of burnout include decreased productivity and physical and mental exhaustion. A decline in job satisfaction and a diminished sense of accomplishment are also ones. Implementing a sound employee engagement program can considerably decrease the risk of burnout among employees.  Stress levels automatically decrease when the workforce is adequately trained, well-informed about what is expected of them, and enjoys a healthy work-life balance. It is also important to note, however, that even engaged employees can get tired, making it critical to establish a holistic employee wellness program that includes beneficial tools focussed on good nutrition, good sleep hygiene, and the cultivation of a positive social support network.

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Absenteeism is Minimized

Employee absenteeism has become a big concern in the USA, with almost one million workers staying away from work daily due to stress alone. This comes as no surprise considering that 47% of respondents in a recent survey stated they frequently feel overwhelmed and undervalued in the workplace. When this happens, engagement also typically decreases, to the great detriment of the business. Thankfully, a lot can be done to keep teams engaged to benefit the business’s employees, clients, and profit margin. Apart from relying on an effective employee engagement program, management can also directly reach out to employees who seem to be under pressure. Improving engagement can decrease absenteeism by as much as 41%, improving everything from productivity to client experiences.


Customers are More Satisfied

Employees who are more engaged are known to provide better customer experiences than those who are not. They go above and beyond what is expected of them as they find great joy in playing a part in positive customer outcomes. This translates into increased levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty and boosts revenue. Research has also found that customers spend up to 16% more when they are happy and feel appreciated. Engaged employees will go out of their way to be friendly and courteous. Moreover, they are also more prone to make cross-sales and up-sales. Satisfied customers can benefit a business immensely. Positive word-of-mouth advertising remains one of the most effective and robust marketing strategies available.

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An effective engagement program for employees can be of immense benefit to the business and its clients. Take the time and make an effort to put such a plan in place. Your employees will also enjoy a wide range of far-reaching benefits.



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