
Corporate Education 101

Corporate education can boost your company’s success to the next level. It’s key to improving the skills of your employees. It’s not just for teaching new employees the knowledge and skills they need for their job. But, it also involves keeping current employees up to date on new job requirements, techniques for getting work done and creating a depth of new knowledge that team members can use on a daily basis. Corporate education is focused on professional development and can be used to help employees transition into different roles in a company or simply to work more efficiently.

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Basically, corporate education is a system of professional and personal development programs provided to employees by the company.

Many companies discover that it takes years for an employee to reach their optimum level of productivity. Companies need to help employees grow and advance their skills by training and educating them regularly.

The goal of corporate education is to maintain and increase the success of the company overall. Corporate education fills in the skills gap. The skills gap is the difference between what employers need their employees to do and what the employees are actually able to do with their skill set. Training employees on the skills they need to fulfill their roles and excel at their jobs will encourage them to shoot for bigger goals.

Corporate education also helps employees learn to work more efficiently with each other and how lead a team and provide constructive feedback effectively. Companies engaging in corporate education have employees identifying with their brand and culture. These employees put more effort into their work as a result. And, they’re much less likely to seek work elsewhere.


Corporate Training vs. Corporate Education

Though many people use the terms interchangeably, corporate education differs from corporate training. Corporate training focuses on improving an employee’s specific skills so they can complete specific work tasks. For example, this can involve teaching people how to use new software to run analytics or how to operate a new piece of machinery in a warehouse.

Corporate education, on the other hand, is a broader approach to building an employee’s skill set. It includes the specialized aspects of corporate training. But it also involves broadening the knowledge of the employee workforce to help the company evolve. More specifically, this may include teaching employees about the company’s values and helping these values resonate more deeply with them. Corporate education is usually taught in a participatory setting, engaging the learners and generating knowledge together. Instead of a presenting instructor, a facilitator will be involved to engage participants in their own learning.

As it sounds, corporate training focuses largely on teamwork and communication. The goal is to develop various skills that employees can use to work together more effectively. These training sessions would involve a concentration on leadership or teamwork skills.


Types of Corporate Education

The type of training involved is dependent on your industry. For example, people working in offices may receive regular computer training. This can keep people knowledgeable about new software or how to use software updates effectively. Workers working in factories may receive training on new machinery or production techniques. This training helps employees know how to use the available technology to its full potential.

Another kind of training that is frequently used by companies is leadership training. This type of training can teach employees how to manage meetings or give presentations. It can also be important in teaching leaders how to be effective guides to their staff.

Similarly, personal development education is a very popular form of corporate education. Of course, employees may receive many other training avenues, such as customer service training, organizational skills, or effective communication.

Often, specialists are hired to conduct training sessions. They can be brought into the office to teach employees, or employees can meet at a conference center to receive their training. Some bigger companies even have an in-house training department which is in charge of keeping the organization’s employee training up to date.

Companies can find independent corporate trainers or reach out to a business that provides these services. You’ll also be able to find businesses offering specialized training, such as sales leadership training for marketing companies or technical instructors, to come into your office and talk about computer programs. A simple internet search will reveal corporate trainers and educators in your area.


Corporate Training and Team Building

Companies may hold many training days in a year. Though employees may look forward to developing their skills, there are steps that decision-makers can take to make these days engaging and fun. Especially useful for days focused on teamwork and leadership education, Strayboots’ app-guided team building activities can be perfectly integrated into a day of education.

You can customize in-office scavenger hunts, fun trivia games, company relays, and even take your team outside for some more fresh air and exercise. Our scavenger hunts send your employees around the local area in teams. They work together, complete challenges, and develop a deeper level of communication and collaboration as a result.

These activities can be integrated into any day of corporate education. Break up boring technology training with fun trivia games that can test employee’s newly acquired knowledge. Solidify teamwork and leadership training days with a friendly, competitive scavenger hunt. Whatever you choose to do, our team at Strayboots will take care of planning and help you inject some fun into your educational days!


Build a Happy Workforce

Corporate education strengthens the backbone of your company by providing employees with the skills they need to succeed and push their limits. Training sessions help them immensely. Employees recognize the effort companies put into ensuring their success and are much more likely to continue working for you as a result. And when you add some fun team-building activities into your corporate education, you’ll be rewarded by happy and appreciative employees.


For more information on your next team building activity,
call us at +1-877-787-2929 or fill out the form below

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