
Personal Traits to Include In Your Resume

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In a previous article, we talked about the way Artificial Intelligence is shaping the business world, but don’t we all want to be heard by our potential hiring manager? Yes, you want to tell them about everything that makes you qualified for the job. And you should! Your traits and experience contribute to the work ethic and credibility of your resume. Your employer wants to know you as he should, so a proper introduction should do the trick. And there are ways you can write about your traits to make them even more compelling for your employers.

There’s no use writing a resume with all your traits and work experience if the resume won’t get read. Unfortunately, so many people dedicate hours putting together a resume that ends up in the recruiter’s trash.

Sometimes we cannot blame these recruiters. Immediately a vacancy is declared, and thousands of emails troops in. To streamline only the best applicant, many people get caught up in the crossfire. You shouldn’t feel hurt if you find yourself in this category. Instead, your priority should be finding a more effective way to write a resume that would beat an ATS any day.

If you don’t know it already, “recruiters employ bots in scrutinizing resumes” ATS, also known as an Application Tracking system, has some flag sign it looks out for in every resume. If any of these flag signs appear on your resume, it’s discarded by the ATS without a second thought.

In this article, we’ll tackle a few things to help you with your resume:

  •       How to write a resume the smart way
  •       Personal traits you should include in your resume
  •       How to make your trait compelling enough for you to get hired.

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How You Can Write an Effective Resume

Writing an effective resume is not just about knowing what you should include. It’s also about knowing what to exclude to make your resume professional. However, learning the list of what to exclude from your resume doesn’t simply cut it. Unless you can always stay ahead of the new ATS trends, then it’s recommended that you use a smart approach for creating your resume.

Whether it’s your first time creating a resume or not, you can create a resume in less than 5 minutes with the help of a resume builder like, a free resume builder, and the guidelines are quite simple.

6 Personal Traits to Include in Your Resume

You can tell how significant letting your employer know about your trait is. These are the elements that add credibility and reliability to your CV. But you must do it right. There are some traits your employer doesn’t know about. But others will get you off to a shooting start. These are the trait you should focus on:

1. Honesty

You have to declare honesty. No employer is looking for a dishonest employee. Sometimes having the skill set isn’t enough. You must be honest. Honesty means you are quite committed to the truth at all times. This trait makes you a valued asset for your recruiter. It’s best to leave it out if you are not truly honest.

2. Loyalty

Every Business is guided by good governance and ethical conduct. So, when these businesses look for employees, they look for someone who can fit into their company’s culture and best practices – stating that you are ethical passes the message that your alignment with the employer’s philosophy and modus operandi.

In addition to indicating your resilience in adversity. Recruiters search for people who can be trusted with confidential policies and very sensitive information. Whenever there’s a vital need to communicate discreet information, It’s expected that you’d act with a strong sense of loyalty to the company and not compromise the company’s interests. If you can demonstrate a good company ethic, then you should let your recruiter know.

3. Punctuality

Punctuality is of the essence. No business wants an employee who cannot make it to work on time. If you think of an important moment in your previous place of work where punctuality made a significant difference, then you should have more than enough to narrate to your recruiter.

Revealing how you’ve handled spontaneous changes in the past with a positive attitude will show how much you are willing to give your recruiter a fair idea of what you can do for the company.

 4. Team Player

Different positions might require that you work as part of a team. If you can effectively communicate and work within a group of people, it’s in your best interest to highlight it as part of your trait in your resume. Your abilities to function within a team will draw the attention of recruiters and help you find the right organization and team. This opens many possibilities for you in the workplace and shows that you understand the importance of teamwork and workplace culture.

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5. Creativity

Creativity is the base for a new approach to thinking and curating solutions from unnatural angles. It’s a vital trait that helps the employee perform above average and scale their games to meet most company objectives and overhauls. You need to be creative in executing your duties irrespective of your position in the company. You can churn a bit of creativity in your resume to give the recruiter a taste of what you have to offer.

6. Problem Solver 

Employees are expected to be strategic in how they handle obstacles and challenges. If you are a natural problem-solver or know how to tackle problems, you wouldn’t find it hard to get a reliable paying job. However, it is important to tell your potential employer that you are naturally drawn toward solving problems. Your resume should sell off this point because most employers want a problem solver. 


Let’s face it; every employer wants someone who can go the extra mile to see things work out. Not just someone who stops when they get frustrated. If you are willing to go the extra mile, most employers would see it with the way your resume is constructed. It’s in your best interest to spice your resume by showing your potential employer the imminent trait you have that helps you go the extra mile. 



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